449 Tagore Industrial Avenue Greatland Industrial Building #01-03/04 S(787820) Singapore
Monday - Friday
10am - 7pmSaturday
10am - 9pmSunday
10am - 9pmSLEEPNETICS™ Philosophy is the realisation of a Vision, which is to provide people around the World with good support for quality sleep. An enriched and fulfilling life starts from a good night’s sleep and a good sleep depends on good mattresses.
SLEEPNETICS™ uses 100% recyclable packaging materials for our mattresses. All mattresses will be sanitised using UV rays in a dust free environment before packing.
We valued our products so much that we offer up to 40% trade off within the next 3 years when acquiring mattress from SLEEPNETICS™.
First month one to one exchange of found to be manufacturer’s defects, within three working days.
Join us to celebrate the biggest event for
the whole family this December!